Adult Education
Adult Education
Adult Education Learning Opportunities
"Get yourself a teacher, find someone to study with, and judge everyone favorably." Pirke Avot 1:6
Congregation Shalom is dedicated to building a “congregation of learners.” Adult education is an essential part of our education program. We strive to make the study of Jewish texts, beliefs and practices accessible to all our members. Committed to the principles of Reform Judaism, we offer opportunities to explore our traditional texts and customs through our modern day perspectives. Fostering Jewish identity, Jewish knowledge, and spiritual growth, along with the opportunity to socialize with other members of the congregation, is at the forefront of our efforts.
Each year we offer weekly classes, semester courses, and individual programs and speakers. The majority of our courses are taught by the clergy of Congregation Shalom. Other classes and programs may be taught by knowledgeable and skilled lay leaders and Jewish professionals from our own congregation or from the greater Jewish community.
Fall 2024
S'lichot Movie Series
In the month leading up to the High Holy Days, we will be hosting a S'lichot Movie series, watching a handful of introspective films inviting us to reflect on ourselves and our past year as we move into Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. You may attend all or any of the movies and stay for a brief discussion following each film. There is an optional dinner for purchase on Erev S'lichot, September 28th, before the movie and S'lichot service.
- September 11th, 6:00pm - Big Fish
- September 18th, 6:00pm - Life of Pi
- September 22nd, 1:00pm - My Dinner With Andre
- September 28th, 7:00pm - The Man From Earth
- Dinner at 6:00pm, Selichot Services to follow at 9:00pm
Intro to Judaism
Intro to Judaism resumes on Tuesday, August 20th. The class is open to any members or potential conversion candidates. Class meets each Tuesday evening from 6:30-7:45pm.
This introductory course in basic Judaism will cover history, theology, customs, ceremonies, festivals, holidays, and beliefs. It is an overview of Judaism and Jewish life. The class will be taught in three consecutive two-month units. This class is free, with the only cost being for books, for non-members only, which Congregation Shalom will order for everyone enrolled. The book cost is $50.00 per person, non-members only.
Click HERE to register.
Adult Civil Rights Journey - Spring 2025
Congregation Shalom will be joining Temple Israel of Omaha on a Civil Rights Journey through the south on April 23-27, 2025. Our trip will visit Memphis, Birmingham, Montgomery, Selma, and Atlanta as we take a deep dive into the history of slavery, racism, and the civil rights movement in America, including Judaism's intersection with that movement. Trip cost is $2400/shared room or $2800/single room, plus flights. That includes bus transportation, hotels, 2 meals a day, admission fees to museums, and all other programs/activities on the trip.
Click HERE to register for the informational meeting on Wednesday, August 14th at 6:00pm. Registration for the trip is due by October 1st.
Congregation Shalom offers a number of ongoing learning sessions. Intro to Judaism meets weekly on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm. The class is taught in three, two-month units. The class is free for members and has a $50 book fee for non-members. See above for registration.
Torah study meets weekly on Saturday mornings from 9:00-10:00am in the Chapel. Join our clergy (or occasional special guests!) for a discussion of the weekly parsha. No prior knowledge is needed to attend this stimulating study of text.
Contact any of our clergy to learn Hebrew. Click here to set up an appointment.
Adult B’nai Mitzvah
Have you always wanted to celebrate becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah? Are you are an adult learner who did not have the opportunity at age 13. The only prerequisite is the desire to celebrate this special life cycle moment. Feel free to contact any clergy to get started!
Lecture Series
Thanks to the generosity of donors, Congregation Shalom is able to offer special lectures each year. These include the Ethel and Norman (z”l) Gill Scholar-in-Residence Weekend, the Sanford J. Ettinger Memorial Lecture, and the Melvin B. Gilbert Memorial Lecture.
Sat, February 15 2025
17 Sh'vat 5785