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Campership Form

Congregation Shalom Camperships


Congregation Shalom is pleased to be able to offer camperships to children of members planning to attend OSRUI, Interlaken, BBYO, and other Jewish camps as well as the NFTY trip to Israel. 
In order to qualify for a scholarship, a child must be enrolled in and regularly attending Religious School . In addition, the family must be in good standing. Submission of an application does not guarantee that a scholarship will be awarded.
Please be aware that a limited number of scholarships will be available and that priority will be given to families where there is a financial need.

Applications must be received no later than Thursday, February 1, 2024.

For questions, please contact Ryan Poolay at (414) 352-9288 ext. 115 or 


Camp Information

Camper Questions

Please have your child respond to each of the following questions. 
Tue, September 10 2024 7 Elul 5784