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The Ungar-Schick Portico

The Ungar-Schick Portico located at the synagogue main entrance allows congregants and guests to drive up and drop off guests under cover from the elements. The new addition to Shalom, was donated to us by the generosity of George and Bunny Kennedy in honor of their families. The portico was completed in June of 2006. Back to Top 

Morris and Naomi Pivar Foyer   

Added in 1991-92 as part of a major construction and remodeling project, the Morris and Naomi Pivar Foyer was created from the front lawn of the original building. The original lannon stone wall was the corner stone of the building from 1954 and now an integral part of the new addition. Hanging on these walls, are our specially designed donor panels created and made by Suzi Derzon, that honor the generosity of our donors that help to ensure Shalom's future while honoring their families and family members. Some of the symbols on these panels represent the Trees of Life and Knowledge, the Seven Species, and the Gates of heaven.
On the east curved wall, six stained glass panels hang representing the six days of creation. This space is used for a variety of temple activities, school functions, and life cycle events. Our weekly Friday evening and Saturday morning Kiddush are held in Pivar as well.  Back to Top 

David L. Klurfeld Memorial Hall

The addition of Klurfeld Hall was part of the building expansion completed in 1992. Eugene and Stephanie Klurfeld named the David L. Klurfeld Memorial Hall in memory of Eugene’s father. Stephanie Klurfeld was quoted in the dedication booklet as saying, “The synagogue is a source of communal activity. We are sustained by the fellowship which is offered whenever we celebrate life. Many are the functions which shall bring us together. May sweetness envelope us whenever we gather in that beautiful and glorious setting."

The Klurfeld Family contributed generously to the 2019 upgrade to the Hall which included installation of new carpeting, refinishing of the wooden parquet floor, and installation of a new lighting system.  Klurfeld Hall is also part of the Rabbi Ronald and Judy Shapiro Museum and features bible related artwork, framed tapestries that were designed by Suzi Derzon and needlepointed by congregants, and a series of beautiful Passover prints by Shlomo Katz.  Back to Top 

William and Fannie Kesselman Family Chapel


The William and Fannie Kesselman Family Chapel named in 1997, is now what was the front of Shalom's original sanctuary. It was updated and remodeled in 2000 and is now a small gathering place in which numerous life cycle services and daily minyan are held.

One of the highlights of the chapel is a faceted glass window depicting the famous Biblical story of Jacob's dream. The window was given in memory of Lt. John L. Abrams, U.S.N. by founding members Florence and Iz Abrams.

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Eder Family Education Center

Dedicated in 1991-92, the Eder Family Education Center houses the offices of the Director of Education and our religious and Hebrew School. It contains 20 classrooms and the Richard Morris Youth Lounge. 

Donated by the Ralph and Louise Eder family in honor of their children and grandchildren, it is the center of Jewish education for all ages. The Eder Family Education Wing is housed in the Rabbi Harry B. Pastor School Building. Back to Top 

Richard Morris Youth Lounge

In the early 1980's the Morris Family dedicated the Richard Morris Youth Lounge in blessed memory of Richard. The Morris Youth Lounge is used for various group meetings and events for a wide range of temple committees and community members. Our religious school utilizes this room for teaching and learning, our Bagels, Books, and Babies class gathers and our youth groups convene in this warm meeting space in the lower level of the building. This resource room, housed in the Eder Family Education Wing, was updated with help from the Women of Shalom in 2000. Back to Top 

Sherman Pastor Memorial Library

Also in the Nash Administrative Wing is the Sherman Pastor Memorial Library. It is named in memory of our founding Rabbi, Harry B. Pastor's son, Sherman. Our library houses a large collection of Judaica and variety of Jewish literature for all ages. The library also house the archives collection of Congregation Shalom, including the Leo Kissel Music Collection. Stop in and relax with some great Jewish reading! Back to Top 

Nash Administration Wing

The door handles welcome each person who enters the sanctuary with Shalom, or peace. The bronze handles that adorn the entrance doors on the outside of the sanctuary form the Hebrew letter "shin," the first letter of the word "Shalom," which is the Hebrew word for peace. Back to Top 

Wein Garden Chapel

The Wein Garden Chapel is located at the south end of the property and was built in winter of 2004 and dedicated in summer of 2005. Donated by Fred and Linda Wein, we use this chapel for our summer worship services which are held outdoors, weather permitting, from middle of May through mid September.  Back to Top

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785